November 19, 2021 | Reading Time: < 1 minute

Time to grieve

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As many of you know, my dear father-in-law died Sunday. Well, on Wednesday, his wife, my dear mother-in-law, broke her hip. She has extreme dementia, something called aphasia. It’s been a hellish week.

As I was working yesterday, I realized I’m pushing too hard. I need time and space to breathe, to grieve. We’re going to Ohio for the service. I need to prepare. So I’m taking the day off. I trust you understand. 

Many thanks. –JS

PS: I’m putting the tip jar here in case the spirit moves you, but please don’t feel obligated.

Tip Jar

John Stoehr is the editor of the Editorial Board. Find him


  1. Thornton Prayer on November 19, 2021 at 1:46 pm

    My condolences to you and your family, John. Take care of yourself as needed.

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