Supreme Court

The Supreme Court’s dangerous abuse of religious exemptions

By Mia Brett / September 19, 2022 /

How far are the rightwing justices willing to go?

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What in the world is Lindsey Graham thinking?

By John Stoehr / September 14, 2022 /

His proposal would not only ban abortion nationally after 15 weeks, it would, in effect, ban democratic politics.

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Someone like Trump pleading the Fifth is funny, but the right against self-incrimination is no laughing matter

By Mia Brett / August 15, 2022 /

It’s just too perfect considering that Trump said in 2016 that, “if you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” 

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Time for a revival of the democratic imagination

By John Stoehr / August 8, 2022 /

The people, not the Supreme Court, decide on individual rights.

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Kansas reminds us that democracy is love

By John Stoehr / August 3, 2022 /

Suddenly, lost faith feels premature, even silly.

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There’s no such thing as settled law anymore

By Mia Brett / July 27, 2022 /

These popular fundamental rights must be vigorously fought for the way we wish abortion had been protected when we had the chance.

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More than one way for SCOTUS to screw democracy

By Matt Robison / July 21, 2022 /

Some are terrible. Some are worse.

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Don’t fight ‘fetal personhood’ by taking the idea to extremes

By Mia Brett / July 19, 2022 /

That reaffirms privileging fetuses over women.

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On abortion rights, Biden does something. Critics should give him credit, demand more

By John Stoehr / July 8, 2022 /

Giving credit is vital in the fight to codify Roe.

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Yes, Dred Scott and Dobbs share similarities. No, they are not what the anti-abortionists say they are

By Mia Brett / July 8, 2022 /

A brief history of SCOTUS’ worst ruling.

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