Joe Biden

Let’s be honest. The same barbarous migrant policies that characterized Trump’s tenure are operating at full speed in Biden’s

By Richard Sudan / September 14, 2021 /

Border policies should start with safeguarding human life.

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Why should we trust GOP leaders and voters who reliably demonstrate their lawlessness?

By John Stoehr / September 13, 2021 /

They say they’ll quit en masse. They won’t. They say they won’t do what they’re told. They will. They will do what they’re told, then lie about it.

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With a mandate affecting 100 million workers, Biden becomes a good ‘law and order’ president

By John Stoehr / September 10, 2021 /

Putting an end to the lawlessness.

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Please subscribe to the Editorial Board to support politics in plain English and the common good

By John Stoehr / September 9, 2021 /

You won’t regret it!

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Dear congressional Democrats, please stop conceding to the press corps’ bullshit. Thanks

By John Stoehr / August 24, 2021 /

The facts are on the president’s side. Act like it.

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In Afghanistan, occupation isn’t the only thing the US should end. It should end sanctions, too

By Richard Sudan / August 24, 2021 /

The United Nations Human Rights Council calls on America and its global allies to stop “the punishment of innocent civilians.”

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By centering ‘choice’ over obligation, the press enables a political minority to literally steal a political majority’s freedoms

By John Stoehr / August 20, 2021 /

Two words: delta variant. 

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Biden’s ‘mistake’ wasn’t about Afghans. It was about ‘allowing’ Americans to see the profound failure of America’s elites

By John Stoehr / August 19, 2021 /

They think he should have kept things quiet.

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Afghan democracy was a ‘grand illusion.’ So is the Republicans’ concern about terrorism

By John Stoehr / August 18, 2021 /

The president should lean into bringing Afghans to America.

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The 20-year militarization of our borders has failed like the 20-year military occupation of Afghanistan. Let’s end both

By John Stoehr / August 17, 2021 /

They cause more harm than good.

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