Donald Trump

The Durham indictment isn’t about justice. It’s about sending a ‘stop snitching’ message

By Lindsay Beyerstein / September 21, 2021 /

Snitches might get indicted.

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Let the Haitians in, all of them

By Richard Sudan / September 20, 2021 /

The United States owes them that much.

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The GOP’s authoritarian voters have given up hope of taking over democracy. A new political rhetoric can keep it that way

By John Stoehr / September 16, 2021 /

The rhetoric of shut-the-fuck-up, part 2.

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Post-Trump America needs a new political vocabulary. Introducing the rhetoric of shut-the-fuck-up

By John Stoehr / September 15, 2021 /

Please forgive me my vulgarity.

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The civilian wing of the Republican Party has finally lost control of its paramilitary wing

By Lindsay Beyerstein / August 31, 2021 /

Roger Stone and Trump operatives like to think of themselves as being in control. A new Reuters report paints a very different picture.

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We owe it to Afghans to let as many in as possible, but let’s avoid arguments over ‘desirable’ and ‘undesirable’ immigrants 

By Mia Brett / August 23, 2021 /

People deserve refuge even if they didn’t help us.

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The battle over race is the cancer afflicting American civic health

By Rev. Daniel Schultz / August 17, 2021 /

Everything in politics has come to revolve around the question of whether the society should be governed b a white Christian minority.

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In the face of authoritarianism, don’t lose hope. Normal partisan politics can save democracy

By John Stoehr / August 11, 2021 /

The Dems are pushing a fault line within the GOP to its breaking point.

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The least vaccinated religious group is also the most likely to believe in conspiracy theories

By Chrissy Stroop / August 10, 2021 /

White evangelical apologists blame the young and the secular, though.

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When it comes to treatment of Haitians, there’s little difference between Biden and Trump

By Richard Sudan / August 10, 2021 /

By sending them back to poverty, detainment, persecution or worse, the US forfeits the moral high ground regarding human rights.  

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