Donald Trump

Bothsidesing the Holocaust in Texas isn’t fringe. It’s the facade of GOP respectability falling off

By John Stoehr / October 15, 2021 /

First, Black people. Then women. Then Jews. It should all make sense.

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Whatever Joe Biden and the Democrats decide will be the best outcome democracy can produce while being sabotaged

By John Stoehr / October 13, 2021 /

Cut these Democrats some slack.

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Death-threat squads harass voting administrators out of their jobs, clearing way for election theft. It’s a slow-motion coup

By Lindsay Beyerstein / October 13, 2021 /

“They’re playing the long game.”

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Why politicians dawdle when it comes to regulating Facebook

By Claire Bond Potter / October 12, 2021 /

It is the linchpin of a digital universe where it is always election season.

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I’m not buying Adam Schiff’s bullshit. Neither should you

By John Stoehr / October 12, 2021 /

Why is the congressman taking advantage of ignorance?

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Merrick Garland thinks he’s being neutral in the face of Trump’s crimes. He’s wrong. He’s being complicit. Make him know it

By John Stoehr / October 8, 2021 /

We are not facing a “full-blown constitutional crisis.”

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The Republican campaign to rifle through the people’s ballots to sustain the Big Lie is a frontal assault on democracy

By Lindsay Beyerstein / October 4, 2021 /

We cannot afford to let it spread any further.

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The Eastman memo is another reason why we badly need election reform. It’s also reason why reform won’t be enough

By John Stoehr / September 22, 2021 /

New laws won’t stop people who hold themselves above the law.

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The Durham indictment isn’t about justice. It’s about sending a ‘stop snitching’ message

By Lindsay Beyerstein / September 21, 2021 /

Snitches might get indicted.

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Let the Haitians in, all of them

By Richard Sudan / September 20, 2021 /

The United States owes them that much.

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