Donald Trump

Are Republicans heirs of Lenin?

By John Stoehr / November 29, 2021 /

Not quite, but the comparison is instructive.

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Our crisis is one of humility

By John Stoehr / November 24, 2021 /

Pride, shame, hate, violence, fascism — all from the same source. 

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The Republicans are taking their terror campaign to the next level

By Lindsay Beyerstein / November 23, 2021 /

The Wisconsin GOP is mad about election officials following the law.

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The inside game and the outside game: procedure plus a mob

By Lindsay Beyerstein / November 17, 2021 /

John Eastman co-wrote the blueprint for how Donald Trump could use the military, the police and criminal gangs to hold onto power.

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Whiteness is working hard to vindicate Kyle Rittenhouse

By Richard Sudan / November 10, 2021 /

Please don’t pity him.

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John Eastman’s manual for state violence

By Lindsay Beyerstein / November 10, 2021 /

War games often reveal more about the players than they do about the future, and this exercise is no exception.

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Has the press corps learned nothing?

By John Stoehr / November 8, 2021 /

Journalism, when done right, should change a person.

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With new anti-CRT laws, the Republicans give the impression they stand against brainwashing. But their goal is brainwashing

By John Stoehr / October 27, 2021 /

“Critical race theory” is 21st-century McCarthyism.

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Rolling Stone adds to ProPublica report showing the Trump White House was warned about potential violence on January 6

By Lindsay Beyerstein / October 26, 2021 /

But proceed with caution

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Creating a counter-conservatism

By John Stoehr / October 21, 2021 /

Make more room in the Democratic Party.

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