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No, the war in Ukraine hasn’t shown that America’s military is behind Russia’s
Mitch McConnell is wrong. The opposite is true.
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Even if 2020 were stolen (it wasn’t), insurrection is still illegal
Another reason to subscribe to the Editorial Board.
Americans alive today have no idea what they’re missing by refusing to work together
What the New Deal teaches us about democracy and freedom.
Asking whether Trump believed the 2020 election was stolen is the wrong question entirely
Even if it had been stolen, fomenting insurrection is still illegal.
Inflation – or price gouging disguised as inflation?
Prices are peaking, because market concentration has peaked.
Studs Terkel’s magnum opus, ‘Working,’ turns 50
His ability to put subjects at ease was legendary.
How progressives can fix cancel culture while sharing our values
There’s a right time and a wrong time to self-censor.
Sanctioning Putin’s oligarchs isn’t going to hurt them much as long as the United States is a great place to hide their filthy fortunes
Making our financial system more transparent, and enforcing existing law, should be part of America’s role in sanctioning Russia.
Manchin and the GOP smear the poor to avoid helping them
Cash payments lift kids out of poverty. To the rightwing, though, that can’t be. The poor are poor, because they deserve their poverty.