This is politics in plain English for normal people and the common good.
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Free isn’t really free
Hades isn’t asking for much.
Should billionaires exist?
Let’s answer that question before talking about “their fair share.”
The Republican Party’s war against LGBT-plus Americans
If you think that’s hyperbole, think again.
Hi. I’m John
I’m not asking for much.
The four stages of ‘groomer speech’
We’re used to seeing conservatives accuse the powerless of sex crimes. We’re not used to seeing them accuse the powerful of the same.
Does a jobs market favoring workers for the first time in 50 years make a sound if no one in the press is there to hear it?
Understand the power you have before corporations take it back.
The break up of Big Business and the GOP isn’t happening. It already happened. Will the Democrats seize the opportunity?
The Republican Party’s entrenchment of “a heteronormative view of a Eurocentric patriarchal America” is bad for business.
While Republicans in Florida debate ‘Don’t Say Gay,’ Republicans in Tennessee are close to legalizing child marriage
Some are already skirting Tennessee’s current marriage law.
You’ve been on the free list a long time
Now’s the time to step up!
Calvin, covid and preserving your place in the racial hierarchy by getting yourself killed
The theologian and autocrat said “perversity in us never ceases, but constantly produces new fruits.” Lord, is that ever on the money.