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What are police for?
We venerate cops, not teachers. It’s backwards.
In the aftermath of the Uvalde massacre, police officers can’t get their story straight. Why?
The reason is rooted in the biggest lie of them all.
Attacking abortion rights is apiece with the GOP’s class war
It’s about preserving a social order in which the poor have few options except humiliating themselves for a few bones thrown at them.
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Pro-gun is pro-white power
Ted Cruz understands that perfectly. You should, too.
ICE is spying on US citizens
Explosive new report details the agency’s data dragnet.
Most pundits believe history repeats itself. It doesn’t
When it comes to the midterms, keep your own counsel.
Expose the GOP’s fetish
Less focus on what they say. More on what they mean.
The pandemic isn’t over till it’s over for everyone
On Dr. Anthony Fauci’s flub.
Does the Constitution forbid questioning judicial nominees for views that are part of their faith?
Real religious tests and phony ones.