Search Results: respectable white people

Censorship, violence and lies — the ‘Lost Cause 2.0’

By John Stoehr / February 21, 2022 /

The point is creating conditions for doing horrible things.

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The Republican death drive: Refusing to sacrifice anything means sacrificing everything

By John Stoehr / January 26, 2022 /

Why are they killing themselves? Let’s turn to Sigmund Freud.

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Who investigates the investigators?

By Richard Sudan / January 19, 2022 /

Did an FBI informant help stop a conspiracy to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer? Or did he help it along?

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In politics, a lie is true if no one opposes it. That’s why Democrats struggle. They must create ‘an infrastructure of democracy’ 

By John Stoehr / December 22, 2021 /

There’s no alternative for people vulnerable to propaganda.

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When will President Joe Biden stop pissing on migrants?

By Richard Sudan / December 22, 2021 /

But the responsibility doesn’t just rest on the shoulders of the government. Americans need to demand it.

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Kyle Rittenhouse, Audre Lorde and the rage of righteousness

By John Stoehr / November 22, 2021 /

Still in search of democratic responsibility.

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Has the press corps learned nothing?

By John Stoehr / November 8, 2021 /

Journalism, when done right, should change a person.

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Resetting police reform, abortion and guns at SCOTUS, higher inflation is good, coded MAGA violence, gerontocracy & more

By John Stoehr / November 6, 2021 /

The week that was.

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‘Parents’ rights’ are not for moms

By John Stoehr / November 2, 2021 /

Just men — and their women.

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With new anti-CRT laws, the Republicans give the impression they stand against brainwashing. But their goal is brainwashing

By John Stoehr / October 27, 2021 /

“Critical race theory” is 21st-century McCarthyism.

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