Search Results: a criminal former president

When people tell you that Biden is doing to Trump what Putin did to Navalny, they are telling you they don’t believe in anything

By John Stoehr / February 16, 2024 /

A democracy can’t afford to empower such cynicism.

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Biden’s righteous anger with an anti-moral press corps

By John Stoehr / February 10, 2024 /

The special counsel’s report didn’t have enough to indict him, only smear him, and reporters are going along with it.

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‘What a sick—’: Biden gets righteous about democracy

By John Stoehr / January 6, 2024 /

This week at the Editorial Board.

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2024, a referendum on the loser

By John Stoehr / January 4, 2024 /

Normally, it’s a referendum on the incumbent. Not this year.

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House Republicans ‘will regret’ voting for impeachment inquiry

By John Stoehr / December 15, 2023 /

An interview with the peerless Jill Lawrence.

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Impeachment is probably coming

By John Stoehr / December 6, 2023 /

We shouldn’t have any illusions about it. I doubt the president does.

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First law of all political reporting ever? Don’t let it be boring

By John Stoehr / December 4, 2023 /

2024 could be simpler than it seems.

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No, Black voters aren’t going to win the election for Trump

By John Stoehr / November 17, 2023 /

This is so basic as to be boring. 

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The zealots of the Washington press corps

By John Stoehr / November 14, 2023 /

Like all zealots, they will be betrayed in the end.

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Multiracial democracy in America will live on despite Trump

By John Stoehr / November 10, 2023 /

An interview with political historian Claire Bond Potter.

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