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Mass gun death shouldn’t be a consequence of disagreement
It is, though.
Did one of America’s top spycatchers spy on America?
Charles McGonigal is a Putinist no one saw, writes Lindsay Beyerstein.
A huge step toward controlling the academy by Ron DeSantis
The anti-critical race theory panic just won’t die, writes Mia Brett.
Nick Bostrom’s perfect congruence with bigotry
How effective altruism buttresses the suffering of the world.
With maximal transparency, Joe Biden goes on offense
No regrets needed in the center.
Political extremism of America’s most lucrative media properties
The radical ideology no one talks about.
The GOP ethic of elites getting to do whatever they want
George Santos is living his party’s values.
On the debt ceiling, the Democrats are the party of no
The Republicans, meanwhile, pretend to possess leverage.