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Only the Republicans can save themselves from the Republicans
Let’s hope the House Democrats continue resisting calls to intervene in Kevin McCarthy’s humiliating fight with the chaos caucus.
Obstruction in the House picks up where J6 left off
The 20 can’t quite trust Kevin McCarthy to blow up democracy.
The 19 are depoliticizing politics
Kevin McCarthy’s humiliation is a case study.
Will the Democrats save the next GOP speaker from his party?
If not, how much suffering can they tolerate?
Rumors of Trump’s decline have been greatly exaggerated
We can’t yet know whether his “fortunes are fading.”
The fetish of George Santos
He’s an empty vessel into which the Republicans pour their desires.
Suddenly, the Republicans want a piece of the action
The party of no seems to be rethinking the utility of no.
Book bans and why liberals win the argument but lose the fight
The rightwing target is what progressivism does to education.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has outlived her usefulness
Biden and the Democrats have assimilated progressive politics.
Worshiping the elevated rational choices of the rich is no way to a better world
Many effective altruists are sincere and want to do good but …