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Punish the hungry?
Free school lunches work, writes Noah Berlatsky.
House GOP passes bill giving some parents authority to beat down other parents’ kids
Some parents of some kids have rights. Kids, however, don’t.
Idaho Republicans want to keep doctors from treating ectopic pregnancies
It’s all about the uncertainty, writes Lindsay Beyerstein.
Drip drip drip of the Trump indictment story previews 2024
If we’re going to question his influence while under indictment, we have to face that we’ve been questioning it for five straight days.
All they care about is defending traditional hierarchies
That’s the rightwing complaint about everything, writes Rod Graham.
An indictment is unlikely to hurt Trump’s chances of winning the Republican nomination
It’s not a problem for him. It’s a problem for his party.
The White House should include education and health care in its fight against hidden fees
They warp whole sectors of the economy, writes Noah Berlatsky.
They sabotaged Carter, too
From Reagan to Trump, treason is optional.
CDC, FDA eviscerate Doctor Antivax
Ron DeSantis believes that antivax is the fast lane to the White House, and Dr. Ladapo is his eager co-pilot.