Search Results: respectable white people

A Democratic president who does not back down changes everything

By John Stoehr / September 6, 2022 /

After “The Speech,” bothsidesism may be a sign of hope.

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There’s no way Biden would use the term ‘semi-fascist’ if he did not believe that most Americans are behind the Democrats

By John Stoehr / August 31, 2022 /

He doesn’t risk alienating voters. He risks missing an opportunity.

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Maybe Donald Trump’s Big Lie is, well, um, good for democracy?

By John Stoehr / August 25, 2022 /

Early signs of hardcore supporters losing hope.

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Trump trades places with his enemies

By John Stoehr / August 16, 2022 /

To him, the FBI search was an end to itself.

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The Schumer-Manchin bill is a ‘conservative’ BFD

By John Stoehr / July 29, 2022 /

Minimizing suffering, maximizing opportunity.

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Voting harder is the answer

By John Stoehr / June 27, 2022 /

You still have the right to an abortion. The difference now is that you have to fight like hell to force the Congress to protect that right.

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Don’t confuse Trump dodging indictment with him getting off scot-free. Consequences are coming

By John Stoehr / June 15, 2022 /

We just can’t see, in the present moment, what they will be.

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No, it’s not about crime. It’s about quote-unquote crime

By John Stoehr / June 8, 2022 /

Are we talking about illegal acts? Or are we talking about the unacceptable? Do white liberals know the difference?

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ICE is spying on US citizens

By Richard Sudan / May 25, 2022 /

Explosive new report details the agency’s data dragnet.

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Why do critics of the Democratic Party believe voters in swing districts want to hear the whole truth about the Republicans?

By John Stoehr / April 13, 2022 /

There is such a thing as too much faith in the people.

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