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There’s no such thing as a competent authoritarian
DeSantis wouldn’t be better or worse than Trump.
Could the Supreme Court cover up its corruption by saving access to the abortion pill?
We should keep on keeping the democratic faith.
Facing embarrassingly weak test case, has SCOTUS’ rightwing supermajority lost its nerve?
The current bid to yank mifepristone off the market is legal hackery whose sponsors deserve points only for shrewd venue-shopping.
Think you understand Trump’s relationship with white evangelicals? Think again
Post-Roe, they’re still figuring out new ways of talking about old agreements over the proper role of women in American society.
Why is Justice Clarence Thomas telling us he’s above the law?
There’s no downside to telling the truth.
Should Feinstein resign? No
Progressives are dogpiling her, because they sense weakness.
Why won’t Post columnist EJ Dionne say what needs saying?
It’s probably a generational thing.
How southern states export the effects of their gun laws, project power and dominate America
America’s “broader public opinion” means nothing to them.
Pity Howard Schultz, the poor billionaire
A Senate committee was mean to him.
Clarence Thomas keeps telling on himself. Are we listening?
He continues to think we’re fools, too.