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Silencing dissent is the point
The pattern in Tennessee is repeating itself nationwide.
Wisconsin, antiabortion politics and the Republican death drive
The problem isn’t messaging.
Clarence Thomas is telling on himself
And hoping you won’t notice.
Trump’s biggest problem? People already know he’s a cheater
This is not a court of law so much as a court of public opinion.
Do prosecutors smell blood now?
Given what we saw yesterday, Donald Trump is no longer capable.
Where’s that recession at?
We should focus on programs, not predictions, writes Noah Berlatsky.
The GOP’s answer to labor shortages? Put kids to work
They’d rather erode child labor laws than raise wages, writes Mia Brett.
Today, investigators are asking themselves: How weak is he?
If strong, expect nothing. If weak, expect Trump to stumble under the weight of everything that’s been sticking to him for years.
Why the Republicans incite violence
Josh Hawley is more dangerous than you know.
Musk sucks at Twitter, succeeds at fascism
It’s more a bad joke that’s gone on way too long than an evil plot – but at this point, what’s the difference? writes Jason Sattler.