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Alito’s chattiness is damning
The more he talks, the more his words will be used against him.
I don’t ask for much
Just one new subscriber is all I need.
A Republican extremist has found a reason to be coy
That’s what happens when you fear defeat by a Democrat.
Using abortion, red states try to expand power over blue states
What’s stopping them is a Democrat in the White House.
Kevin McCarthy caves and caves, then he caves some more
Like all abusers, his conference keeps moving the standard on him.
Face it, Ron DeSantis is losing because he’s bad at this
He’s misreading the mood of his own party.
For Trump’s Christian supporters, religion and politics are one
They’re not pretending otherwise. The rest of us shouldn’t either.
Climate change, the biggest crisis, reveals the biggest lie
We know why the heat is so historic.
‘Monarchists at heart’ tend to forget about democratic politics
“Owning” the presidency is not all that really counts.
For the House Republicans, the scientific method itself is now evidence of conspiracy
They seized on a snippet of a researcher’s email in which he and colleagues tried to disprove the lab leak theory. Yes, that’s science.