Search Results: no one is above the law

It’s not about self-defense, the real roots of anti-Roe, Michael Flynn isn’t funny, and more

By John Stoehr / December 4, 2021 /

The week that was.

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Political violence is always already normal. The question is how much do we celebrate it? Paul Gosar has a suggestion

By John Stoehr / November 9, 2021 /

Someone somewhere must be punished.

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Has the press corps learned nothing?

By John Stoehr / November 8, 2021 /

Journalism, when done right, should change a person.

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I’m not buying Adam Schiff’s bullshit. Neither should you

By John Stoehr / October 12, 2021 /

Why is the congressman taking advantage of ignorance?

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Merrick Garland thinks he’s being neutral in the face of Trump’s crimes. He’s wrong. He’s being complicit. Make him know it

By John Stoehr / October 8, 2021 /

We are not facing a “full-blown constitutional crisis.”

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The Eastman memo is another reason why we badly need election reform. It’s also reason why reform won’t be enough

By John Stoehr / September 22, 2021 /

New laws won’t stop people who hold themselves above the law.

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‘Law and order’ doesn’t mean keeping 10,000 Haitians out. It means letting them all in. It’s keeping them out that’s lawless

By John Stoehr / September 21, 2021 /

No, this isn’t about public health.

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The moment Capitol police honored their oath to put country over party is the moment they became partisans for America

By John Stoehr / July 29, 2021 /

The meaning of partisanship is rapidly changing.

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No, the Republicans aren’t hypocrites

By John Stoehr / June 21, 2021 /

They mean what they say.

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Liz Cheney is less bad than the GOP fascists but as long as she tolerates nonstop lying, she’s still bad

By John Stoehr / May 24, 2021 /

The untenable paradox on (real) conservatives.

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