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A Biden goal is restraining Israel ‘through the bear hug’
Hussein Ibish explains the president and the Israel-Hamas war.
Are Americans really that negative about the economy?
GDP grew by nearly 5 percent last quarter. And people are feeling it, according to a senior economic analyst for Mauldin Economics.
How pernicious misinformation is shaping the Israel-Hamas war
That “hospital explosion” wasn’t really a hospital explosion.
Snitching gets you everywhere
The defections of three well-placed co-defendants in the Georgia RICO case is a huge blow to Donald Trump, writes Lindsay Beyerstein.
With Mike Johnson’s victory, ‘deinstitutionalization’ is winning
GOP insurgents have been attacking democratic institutions for years in a bid to overtake them. One of them is now speaker of the House.
‘It was not worth rolling the dice’
Mike Johnson is set to be the next speaker. Was the Democrats’ gamble worth it? The politics editor of the Washington Monthly says no.
The next speaker ‘will face an ungovernable party and House’
First, Boehner, then Ryan, then McCarthy. “Rest assured,” says Norman Ornstein, an authority on the US Congress, “it will happen again!”
Biden deescalated violence by deescalating violent rhetoric
A “democratic and decent response” to war in Ukraine and Israel.
Speaker McHenry, sorta, maybe?
It’s the best guess, according to one authority on the US Congress.
Fear of a dictator may yield unity
An interview with the Philadelphia Inquirer’s Will Bunch.