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The zealots of the Washington press corps
Like all zealots, they will be betrayed in the end.
The crazier the Republicans, the better for the Democrats in 2024
The GOP’s bet on chaos, dysfunction and disorder is still a bet.
Does Speaker Johnson really believe there’s no separation between church and state?
A better question: What will “dominionists” like him do with power?
Multiracial democracy in America will live on despite Trump
An interview with political historian Claire Bond Potter.
Trump isn’t ‘the sword of Gryffindor’
Democrats have had that idea drummed into them over the last eight years, says Matt Robison, host of the Beyond Politics podcast.
In a democracy, ‘lying isn’t supposed to be baked in’
Don’t wait for the Washington press corps to reform itself.
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‘The right to defend and the act of revenge are different things. Civilization depends on the first. It’s threatened by the second’
An interview with the author of The New Hate and The Politics of Fear.
The real reason Donald Trump has a chance again? Most white people want him back
“There’s no getting around that fact,” says Issac J. Bailey.