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The Dem Establishment Strikes Back
And the Republicans have already run out of gas in the run up to November’s midterms.
What Happened to Jim Himes’ Spine?
Himes looks like he caved to Wall Street. Did I mention he’s a former banker?
Republican Sadism
Conservatives no longer stand athwart history yelling stop. They seek to inflict pain, for pleasure.
Trump Perverts the Constitution
Yes, that’s sounds extreme. Yes, that’s what the president is doing.
Only Trump Believes He Can Pardon Himself
The argument, every single word, is bullshit, and the president’s attorneys know it.
4,645 Reasons to Impeach Trump
Thousands of Americans are dead thanks to Trump’s indifference. Obstruction of justice is bad. This is worse.
Keep the (Democratic) Faith
Dinesh D’Souza’s disgusting pardon may look like yet another reason to lose hope in democracy. But it’s really the opposite.
The Problem No One Talks About
Whose interests stand in the way of a more perfect union? A majority of Americans over 50.
Just Say It. Baby Boomers Oppose Democracy
The history of the baby boomers is a history of a federal government providing what young people can only dream of.
Programming note
Memorial Day Weekend can’t come soon enough.