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A New Order Struggles to Emerge
But it won’t as long as the country is in the grip of gerontocracy.
Conflict Now, Civility Later
Conflict is natural when one political order is slowly giving way to another.
Yes, We Get the Government We Deserve
Liberals hate that expression, but don’t blame me. Blame people who don’t vote.
Eric Holder Breaks the Taboo
His remarks indicate that one side of an internal debate is winning.
No Going Back to Civility
The old Democratic guard wants to restore comity. Ignore them.
Don’t Believe (Your Party’s) Hype
Republicans, and some Democrats, are telling themselves tall tales.
Reality Check, Post-Kavanaugh
The Democratic strategy didn’t backfire. It just failed to work.
Russians Deepened Pattern Set by Republicans
The 2000 election was the start of a judicial coup. 2018 is its apex.
The GOP Is About to Poison SCOTUS
The Democrats, meanwhile, must prepare to heal it.
The GOP Mob’s Descent into Sadism
The president thinks #MeToo is on trial in November. He’s wrong.