Search Results: criminal former president

Barr’s Obstruction of Congress

By John Stoehr / May 1, 2019 /

He swore to tell the whole truth. He didn’t.

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Dems (Finally) Rethinking Joe

By John Stoehr / April 3, 2019 /

How party elites are telling a party elder not to run.

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Maybe Not Illegal, Certainly Intolerable

By John Stoehr / March 29, 2019 /

Adam Schiff makes an argument all Democrats should copy.

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Beto and the Temptation of Texas

By John Stoehr / March 22, 2019 /

With Texas, a Democrat could lose all states Hillary Clinton lost, and win.

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It Doesn’t Take a Mastermind to Conspire with Russia

By John Stoehr / February 28, 2019 /

And other thoughts on Michael Cohen’s testimony

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Dems Moving to Defund CPB/ICE

By John Stoehr / February 11, 2019 /

Forget the wall. The new fight is over “border security.”

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Bezos Opens the Overton Window

By John Stoehr / February 8, 2019 /

Kompromat was an unacceptable topic of debate. Then came yesterday.

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Trump’s Crimes Are in Plain Sight

By John Stoehr / January 25, 2019 /

Our children will ask, “How did the scandal go on for so long?”

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An Early Look at the Democratic Field

By John Stoehr / January 21, 2019 /

One thing’s for sure. Women will power the next Democratic candidate.

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Collusion Doesn’t Matter

By John Stoehr / December 17, 2018 /

Conspiracy is accepting something you shouldn’t. Trump accepted Russia’s help.

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