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Trump Is Not a Hypocrite
Charges of hypocrisy only apply to people with values.
An important question
Are we experiencing a revival of American fascism? Or are we experiencing the chaos that occurs when one political regime gives way to another? That’s what Corey Robin claims in this piece. He and Jack Balkin think of Trump as a “disjunctive president.” As Balkin notes, in disjunctive regimes, the dominant party coalition fractures. Tensions…
For 2020, It’s Democracy vs. Anti-Democracy
Chanting “send her back” means democracy is dead to you.
I need some help
I need some help thinking about this piece from Jonathan Bernstein. I normally agree with his takes, but this one rubs me the wrong way. I can’t quite tell why though. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Dems Reject Trump’s Gaslighting
So do 43 percent of Republicans!
The Anti-Moral Free Press
What would happen if a reporter were killed? More of the same?
How Dems Let GOP Dictate Agenda
On immigration, the Democrats fear doing the right thing.
Don’t Buy It. The Religious Right Isn’t Moral
Morality motivates the religious left. Power motivates the religious right.
Megan Rapinoe’s Christian America
Given the evil we face, we need to recognize the religious left more than ever.
Let’s Just Say It. The Republican Party Wants to Kill You
“Be honest about what it means to lead a country—it means killing people.”