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Who Gains from Pushing Ukraine Around?
Sure, Donald Trump does. But he’s not alone.
Whistleblower Shows Why Mueller Report Still Matters
Dems are searching for a focus. They mustn’t forget Russia’s attack in 2016.
With Smoking Gun Memo, What Was Trump Thinking?
The president believes his own lies.
Lewis, then Biden, now Pelosi
I hate to pile on the newsletters, but this is important. As I was wrapping up today’s edition, news broke that John Lewis, Joe Biden, and now Nancy Pelosi are all going to come out in favor of starting the impeachment process against the president. Like I said, important. It’s also humbling. I said Friday…
Pelosi Welcomes a Tipping Point
Just when you thought impeachment would never happen.
Pelosi Faces a Crisis of Confidence
On impeachment, her position can no longer be defended.
No, Ukraine Isn’t a ‘Game Changer’
Why would asking for foreign help for the second time change anything?
Whistle-blowing, extortion & Ukraine
You have probably heard about the “whistle-blower complaint.” And like everyone else, you don’t know what it’s about. It has something to do with a “promise” Donald Trump made to a foreign leader. That could mean anything. So for now, I’m going to assume it’s nothing. I’m so tired of the KABOOM crowd ginning up…
Face It: Trump Is above the Law
He will be until the Democrats act to limit his power.
SCOTUS Isn’t the Final Say
The first thing to reform is the mistaken belief in “judicial finality.”