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Trust Black Voters
The party’s transformation will go on even if Biden is president.
It’s (Mostly) the Morality, Stupid
We overvalue the economy’s predictive power in politics.
9/11 and the Betrayal of the Elites
The west’s “crisis of confidence” isn’t due to globalization.
No, Trumpism Isn’t Socialism
The GOP moves toward a sinister kind of collectivism.
Don’t Pathologize Trump
He’s not lying because he’s mentally ill. He’s lying because he likes lying.
The GOP’s ‘Flight from Freedom’
Recognize what it’s done or there’s no moving forward.
On Guns, Dems Open Overton Window
Some are taking a position formerly unthinkable for presidential candidates.
Open thread on my typo
Now’s the time to let me know what you think about this: What is Trump eroding the meaning of citizenship? Which should be this: Why is Trump eroding the meaning of citizenship? Go ahead. I can take it. (And I promise to do better!) —JS
The ‘Ur-Fascism’ of the Republicans
Why is Trump eroding the meaning of citizenship?
Call Out Trump’s Immorality
Sure, it’s obvious. Call it out anyway. Lives depend on it.