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Calling Out Trump’s Lies Isn’t Enough
The press corps must raise awareness of what’s happening.
Warren Isn’t the Candidate of the 1%
And neither is the GOP a workers party.
Trump Is the ‘Greed Is Good’ President
Naturally, he’s an apex fraud.
No, Trump Isn’t Losing Evangelicals
If Middle East Christians must die, so be it.
Help Me Bust Myths & Get 20% Off
I’m not an engineer or scientist or anything requiring technical know-how. But I feel a kindred spirit with Adam Savage. He’s the former co-host of Discovery Channel’s “MythBusters.” He’s also an enthusiastic financial supporter of the Editorial Board. Just as Adam and Jamie Hyneman debunked urban legends in the name of science and entertainment (a…
You Gotta See This
The best point I’ve seen about Trump and the whistleblower
Time for Bernie Sanders to Quit?
He may not know when to stop.
The Constitutional Crisis Has Arrived
Time for the House Democrats to arrest Rudy Giuliani.
A note of gratitude
Since I announced I’m going to focus on the Editorial Board full-time, I’ve gotten a huge reaction in the form of actual paying subscribers! Thank you soooo much! I’m once again humbled by your blessing and investment. I’m also energized to do more with the Editorial Board. In the coming days and weeks, I’m going to roll out some…
Erdogan Exploits Republican Impotence
With the Kremlin’s help, Turkey is forcing GOP to eat its humiliation.