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Mike Lee and Rand Paul Can Put Up or Shut Up
Please dear liberals, don’t be so gullible.
Just Say It: Trump Had Soliemani Killed Because He Was Impeached
Fortunately, normal people are connecting the dots.
Did Trump Stand to Gain by Ordering Soleimani’s Death? He Thought So
Again, it’s backfiring.
Why Doesn’t Anyone Believe Donald Trump? Because He was Impeached
Impeachment was the end of his supply of benefit-of-the-doubt.
Weekend reads: ICYMI
The president changed the subject with intimations of war.
The Republican Party’s Loyalty to Lies
Perverting patriotism to once again justify war in the Middle East.
Parties Aren’t Static
Julian Castro is out, but his ideas will live on in the Democratic nominee.
Democracy Is the Source of Trump’s Pain
A scared little man is exposed daily for being scared and little.
In 2020, There Will Be Blood
5 reasons to believe the fascists’ own words.
The Fascists Among Us
A story about standing for what’s right even if it hurts.