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William Barr’s Lies Aren’t Just Malicious. They’re Treasonous
He’s no principled champion. He’s a disloyal partisan.
Stop Dismissing Donald Trump’s Malicious Lies as Conspiracy Theory
The intent isn’t just to deceive. It’s to harm.
Donald Trump Opens the Door to Saudi Arabian Interference
With Russia, memes. With the Kingdom, bullets.
Against All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic
The Republicans justified anything, even betrayal.
me on Alex Wise’s radio show
Alex Wise is from New Haven. He’s also the host of Sea Change Radio, a weekly program covering the shift to social, environmental, and economic sustainability. Alex took a break from climate change issues to talk to me about religion. He subscribes to the Editorial Board. He’d read with interest two pieces I wrote last…
me on Ian Masters’ radio show
Ian Masters is the host of Background Briefing, a public radio program in LA. He invited me on to talk about Tuesday’s Editorial Board, “When Does Ordinary Republican Partisanship Turn into Treason?” I try explaining my theory about why someone like Donald Trump can lie so much. Let me know how I did. Cheers! —JS…
How Four Scholars Moved Democrats to Act on Articles Impeachment
Truth alone can’t prevail. Only truth plus power can.
Report Points to Trump, ‘-1,’ as the Ringleader of a Global Conspiracy
This a giant of a scandal. It dwarfs Watergate.
When Does Ordinary Republican Partisanship Turn into Treason?
The president is already there. His party is close behind.
Democratic Unity Matters More Than Any One Democratic Candidate
Don’t worry about turnout. Don’t worry about electability.