Search Results: rightwing media apparatus

Trump’s conviction forces him to tell lies even more conspicuous

By John Stoehr / May 31, 2024 /

Lots of people, maybe enough people, don’t want to be lied to.

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Why the Dow closing over 40,000 was a one-day story

By John Stoehr / May 21, 2024 /

Presidential politics isn’t a level playing field. It never was.

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They just want to hear the old man stutter

By John Stoehr / May 17, 2024 /

The real reason House Republicans want that audio recording.

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Trump thinks he’s going to win by running the same campaign he ran in 2016 and 2020

By John Stoehr / May 6, 2024 /

A strong candidate would look at his past successes and failures, and modulate his current campaign to reflect lessons learned. Not Trump.

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For Hur’s testimony, the House Democrats came with knives out

By John Stoehr / March 14, 2024 /

It seems pretty clear that the House Republicans made a mistake.

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Biden’s righteous anger with an anti-moral press corps

By John Stoehr / February 10, 2024 /

The special counsel’s report didn’t have enough to indict him, only smear him, and reporters are going along with it.

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Biden connected the dots – Trump’s Big Lie is new Lost Cause

By John Stoehr / February 6, 2024 /

He opened space to discuss the role of intimidation and threats of violence in Trump’s continued dominance of the Republican Party. 

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After Iowa and New Hampshire, is Trump’s Big Lie backfiring?

By John Stoehr / January 26, 2024 /

Preemptive allegations of election fraud communicate this: I know I can’t win, otherwise, I wouldn’t be explaining why I’m about to lose.

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It took two years of humiliation for DeSantis to realize that 2028 would be a better year to run

By John Stoehr / January 22, 2024 /

He’s just not good at this.

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With each Trump win, Biden expects ‘a switch will turn on’

By John Stoehr / January 16, 2024 /

Disbelief has been Biden’s main obstacle. The solution began in Iowa.

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