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The GOP’s Anti-American Animus
Trump is the culmination of 40 years of sabotage.
The Biggest Political Story Isn’t What You Think
Millions believe self-sacrifice is necessary and right.
Ersatz phallus swinging in Michigan
This is happening in Michigan right now. It was just Tuesday when I wrote these words. Remember those men at “anti-quarantine protests” strolling around state capitols carrying semi-automatic rifles? They said they were protesting stay-at-home orders. They said their goal was demonstrating their rights to bear arms, individual liberty and personal sovereignty. But that wasn’t…
Without a Vaccine, There’s No Normal
Does Trump know life wasn’t designed for “social distancing”?
Mike Pence Isn’t a ‘Muscular Christian’
Let’s not give that way of thinking more credit than it deserves.
Trump’s ‘Ersatz Phallic Exercise’
Economic collapse won’t keep him from delivering to his base.
Biden Doesn’t Need a Message to Win
Compared to Trump’s occultism, he just needs to make sense.
‘Light and Heat,’ the Politics of the Occult
It doesn’t make any sense, because it’s not supposed to.
Mitch McConnell’s Multiverse of Betrayal
America owes blue states for fighting COVID-19. He’d repay them with bankruptcy.
Mitch McConnell’s animus
The Senate majority leader appeared on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show today to state that his Senate conference would not debate what he called a “blue-state bailout.” Here’s the context: Basically, Mitch McConnell knows the pandemic has the potential to weaken his enemies in cities and blue states to the point of insolvency, resulting in mass…