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Memorial Day sale, save 20% now
Some of you might have missed this week’s offer to get 20% off the annual price, which itself is 20% off the monthly price. I sent it because the paywall went back up. The response was so good, however, I’m offering it again for the holiday weekend! Subscribe within the next 24 hours to get a great deal of…
Here’s what you missed!
Subscribers to the Editorial Board got to read today’s edition about why our current crisis of morality and democratic faith is best illustrated by a column in the Washington Post in which grown men and women pity themselves for having to do dishes. Citizens, or members of a political community, do what needs to be done…
Blood’s Got Nothing to Do with It
Don’t be like the rich.
Don’t miss another edition!
Only subscribers got to read today’s column about why it takes more than political pressure to turn your back on your country. It takes an overwhelming lust for power. Ron Johnson seems ready to go where Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky wouldn’t go, picking up where Donald Trump left off in attempting to betray the US…
No, GOP Senators Are Not Cowed
They are willingly deepening the roots of authoritarianism.
Still time to save 20%
Hiya! Some of you might have missed yesterday offer to get 20% off the annual price, which is itself 20% off the monthly price. I sent the offer yesterday because the paywall went back up today. The response was so good, however, I thought I’d better offer it again. So subscribe within the next 8…
Why Trump’s Job Approval Never Moves Despite the Repeated Expression of His Criminal Mind
There’s probably nothing he can do, or fail to do, to change how people vote.
Save 20% before paywall goes back up
Hi all! I’m writing to remind you the paywall is going back up tomorrow. May 20 is the somewhat arbitrary date of economic reboot in my state of Connecticut. Taking the paywall down during a pandemic was the right thing to do, but it’s unwise to keep it down. But before free time ends, please…
Pandemic Reveals That Without Suffering, Our Advanced Capitalist Society Would Collapse
The economy requires a working class without political power.
No, Protests Are Not a ‘Class Struggle’
Not the one you think it is. Here’s the real struggle.