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Hi! I am currently making the Editorial Board open to everyone during a pandemic that continues to infect and kill our fellow citizens. But if I’m going to do that, I have to bug you about putting a little skin in the game. Please take a moment, right now, either to leave a tip (I love tips!) or become…
More than the post office: Trump is sabotaging the economy, Social Security and Medicare, too
Bumbling toward an apocalypse.
Sabotage all over
I’ll have more to say about this Friday. For now:
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I am currently making the Editorial Board open to everyone during a pandemic that continues to infect and kill our fellow citizens. But if I’m going to do that, I have to bug you about putting a little skin in the game. Please take a moment, right now, either to leave a tip (I love tips!) or become a paying…
Embracing the GOP’s crazy isn’t crazy
Yes, Trump is running on bigotry. Our system rewards that.
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I am currently making the Editorial Board open to everyone during a pandemic that continues to infect and kill our fellow citizens. But if I’m going to do that, I have to bug you about putting a little skin in the game. Please take a moment, right now, either to leave a tip (I love tips!) or become a paying…
Harris is a unicorn: safe as well as aspirational, a running mate who actually matters
Safe for white voters. Aspirational to nonwhite voters.
Biden picks Harris
It finally happened. Joe Biden announced today that his running mate will be Kamala Harris. Here’s what I said about her Friday: “No one knows if running mates matter, but an argument about Harris as Biden’s running mate is a good argument. To pick Harris is to say to the Democratic base: yes, it can happen…
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I am currently making the Editorial Board open to everyone during a pandemic that continues to infect and kill our fellow citizens. But if I’m going to do that, I have to bug you about putting a little skin in the game. Please take a moment, right now, either to leave a tip (I love tips!) or become a paying…
Where is the ‘master of the Senate’?
Turns out Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans are bad at politics.