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Hi! I am currently making the Editorial Board open to everyone during a pandemic that continues to infect and kill our fellow citizens. But if I’m going to do that, I have to bug you about putting a little skin in the game. Please take a moment, right now, either to leave a tip (I love tips!) or become…

Please support my work, save 40%

I am currently making the Editorial Board open to everyone during a pandemic that continues to infect and kill our fellow citizens. But if I’m going to do that, I have to bug you about putting a little skin in the game. Please take a moment, right now, either to leave a tip (I love tips!) or become a paying…

Please support my work, save 40%

I am currently making the Editorial Board open to everyone during a pandemic that continues to infect and kill our fellow citizens. But if I’m going to do that, I have to bug you about putting a little skin in the game. Please take a moment, right now, either to leave a tip (I love tips!) or become a paying…

Biden picks Harris

It finally happened. Joe Biden announced today that his running mate will be Kamala Harris. Here’s what I said about her Friday: “No one knows if running mates matter, but an argument about Harris as Biden’s running mate is a good argument. To pick Harris is to say to the Democratic base: yes, it can happen…

Put skin in the game, save 40%

I am currently making the Editorial Board open to everyone during a pandemic that continues to infect and kill our fellow citizens. But if I’m going to do that, I have to bug you about putting a little skin in the game. Please take a moment, right now, either to leave a tip (I love tips!) or become a paying…