This is politics in plain English for normal people and the common good.
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Not voting is barbarism
Voting third-party is even worse.
Appeasing the GOP’s injurious bullshit
5 big lies the press corps must stop laundering.
5 editions every week for just $6
I hope you’re enjoying reading free editions to the Editorial Board. Making my newsletter open to all is the right thing to do during a pandemic that seems unending. Please take a moment right now, while I have you, to consider becoming a subscriber. For just $6, you get 5 editions during the week and…
231,000 dead Americans is a small price for the GOP to pay for 1 Supreme Court justice
This is the biggest story of the 2020 election.
Biden is winning when he wins. Period
Urgency isn’t action. Action is action.
Me and my ADHD brain
Once upon a time, I was in the office of the elementary school therapist talking about our then 5-year-old child. She asked, “Does she have ADHD?” I said, “Nah, if she has it, I have it.” The therapist waited politely for a beat or two. Then: “Oh, riiight!” Since then, I have realized the Editorial Board is perfect…
Please help me reach 1,000 subscribers!
There are 3,352 people on my free list. Of those, 794 people subscribe. I need 206 more to reach my goal of 1,000 paying subscribers. Really, I know this can be annoying, but I live in the same world you do. While you won’t lose access to if you don’t subscribe (no paywall during the…
Trump holds everyone in contempt, including Republican voters
Scorn for real people’s real problems is why the debates matter.
Biden is changing what ‘bipartisan’ means
GOP demands used to be the beginning of Democratic thinking.
1,000 is the goal. I’m at 794!
There are 3,352 people on my free list. Of those, 794 people subscribe. I need 206 more to reach my goal of 1,000 paying subscribers. Really, I know this can be annoying, but I live in the same world you do. While you won’t lose access to if you don’t subscribe (no paywall during the…