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Too many non-religious liberals are magnifying the preferred worldview of religious zealots
Secularization is not the absence of religion.
Joe Biden will never look like a radical
We are seeing the revival of economics as statecraft.
Facing a fascist GOP, a big business lobby finds that liberals are more trustworthy
US Chamber of Commerce seems ready to appease Biden.
Are the Republicans really going to say no to $4 trillion in public investment? Yeah, probably
You’d think Mitch McConnell would be smarter.
Glenn Greenwald appears to believe there’s a constitutional right to PayPal. That’s weird
A Pulitzer winner ought to know better, writes Lindsay Beyerstein
For Republicans in Georgia, the problem was never election insecurity. It was the voters themselves
Anti-democratic impulses are dangerous, writes Anthony Michael Kreis.
Biden’s revolution is not being televised
Reporters are missing the biggest political story of their lives.
Yes, the founders favored gun control
Don’t believe the NRA’s propaganda, writes Mia Brett.
Dems run most American cities but won’t take control of their out-of-control police. Why?
Start by outlawing pepper-spray and tear gas.
What Elizabeth Bruenig gets wrong about American Rescue Plan and why that’s important to women
The old welfare state isn’t the future, writes Kathleen Geier.