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The problem isn’t that judges are too liberal or too conservative. It’s that judges are too powerful
Save access to abortion via democracy, writes Christopher Jon Sprigman
Maybe we should take cops’ guns away
The people we trust to keep the peace don’t.
White Americans feared they’d one day become victims of the monstrous capitalism they built
Then it happened. That’s the real “economic anxiety.”
A voting law doesn’t have to mention race to disenfranchise voters according to race
Mia Brett explains why America needs HR1.
What North Carolina’s newest anti-trans bill says about the lopsided alliance pushing for it
Lindsay Beyerstein explains the politics of TERFs.
Senior Trump administration officials sabotaged public understanding of the covid. Drag ’em
We must demand some kind of justice.
Will the big business wing of the Republican Party stop the GOP’s retreat from the national stage?
Mitch McConnell’s backflipping provides a clue.
Witnesses to Floyd’s death seem to feel more guilt than does the man charged with his murder
Ponder that for a minute, writes Issac J. Bailey.
Why did Republican Governor Asa Hutchinson call an anti-trans bill ‘indefensible’ before vetoing it?
First, consider where these bills originate, writes Claire Bond Potter.