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Intellectual conservatives seem to be redefining conservatism for make-believe Republicans
No GOP constituency for race-neutral policy, writes Christopher Jon Sprigman
See through the GOP’s lies to the conscious authoritarian intent to injure the republic
The point is instability, chaos and, yes, feeling crazy.
For survivors of childhood trauma, SCOTUS affirmed what they believe secretly but must fight every day
Brett Kavanaugh’s message? You’re right to despair.
Justice Brett Kavanaugh shows that without democracy conservatism turns into barbarism
Punching down never felt so good.
America’s demographic cake is baked
Anti-immigrant pseudoscience will fail again, says Ray Suarez.
George Floyd’s Black body was on trial
Magdi Semrau explains the racist history behind Derek Chauvin’s defense.
David Brooks is maddening but he has an important role to play in moving the needle of progress
No one represents better the conventional wisdom of respectable white people.
There was a brief time when civil courts could force cops to pay damages. Then SCOTUS stepped in
Legal historian Mia Brett explains how we got here.
The Chauvin verdict isn’t a turning point in equal justice. But it does suggest a new political norm
Compromising with liars is no longer respectable.
Maxine Waters understands why violence from an armed-agent of the state is existential
She shouldn’t have said it, but she wasn’t wrong, writes Issac J. Bailey.