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Wokeness is good. It always has been
Manipulation of wokeness, however, is bad, writes Magdi Semrau
Liz Cheney is betting ‘the former guy’ won’t be the GOP’s kingmaker, or king, for very much longer
Can the House GOP’s No. 3 finish what she started? asks Claire Bond Potter.
The stink of treason clings to the GOP
Big profit-seeking corporations can smell it, same as everyone else.
Is America a racist country? It’s not a statement of fact so much as an assertion of public morality
The president and the vice president said the right thing.
The United States was not founded as a Christian nation, but it acted like one for much of its history
Some on the left are wrong. Most on the right are more wrong, writes Mia Brett.
Fighting vaccines is fighting reasonableness. The Republicans are pretending they don’t know that
Normal people will never embrace sadism.
Glenn Grothman is very bad, or very good, at explaining why the GOP opposes DC statehood
Don’t know the Wisconsin congressman? Bless you, says Rev. Daniel Schultz.
Vaccines are the welfare state’s crowning achievement. Naturally, the right hates them
If that’s how they want it, fine, says Lindsay Beyerstein.
Last night’s speech made clear Joe Biden is the most republican president in half a century
Every president since Reagan has focused on individuals. Not Biden.
Intellectual conservatives seem to be redefining conservatism for make-believe Republicans
No GOP constituency for race-neutral policy, writes Christopher Jon Sprigman