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Though they lost the fight over the Constitution, the Anti-Federalists saw its most dangerous defects
Time for a respectful reassessment, writes Christopher Jon Sprigman
A new study involving 5,089 participants finds that anti-racism does not hurt support for Dem policy
Yet the opposite was widely reported, writes Magdi Semrau.
By embracing the Big Lie, the Republicans risk injuring swing voters in the coming midterms
No one alive today has seen anything like this.
Why the GOP-fueled ‘controversy’ over critical race theory has nothing to do with critical race theory
Anything teaching individuals to think freely is dangerous to Republicans.
Why it’s legal in 19 states to physically assault kids
Last month, a principal “paddled” a child in front of her undocumented mother.
No, Mr. President. The Republicans have figured out who they are and what they stand for. And it’s bad
When will Joe Biden stop being surprised?
Nikki Haley’s illustration of white fragility
She’s made a career of comforting white people, writes Issac J. Bailey.
The memory-holing of Trump’s putsch
Neither Pearl Harbor nor 9/11 were as bad.
The very rich are overruling democratic progress. That should renew the old American contempt
Americans used to reject the idea of nobility. We haven’t for a long time.
White supremacy is about systems, not intentions. Joe Biden seems to understand the difference
God willing he’ll inspire others to see it, too, writes Rev. Daniel Schultz