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Is there anything, anything at all, the Republicans believe in other than consolidating their power?
The Democrats ought to know better, writes Brandon Bradford.
How much juice do the Republicans think is left in the Trump squeeze? Because, that’s all they got
No ideas, no plans, no policy agenda. Only Trump, says Corey Richardson.
Asking the American people to pay attention to Donald Trump again is inviting political backlash
The Republicans seriously underestimate the national mood.
The press corps’ focus on the ‘pedo cabal’ obscures the core of QAnon’s ideology
The longing for glorious, purifying and revelational violence
Canada has designated the Proud Boys a domestic terror group. Why hasn’t the US?
Doing so would raise hard questions, writes Richard Sudan.
What we’re talking about when we talk about democracy isn’t just voting. It’s equality
Without that moral principle, a democracy can’t be free, fair or full.
There is no causal link—none—between ‘defund the police’ and the rise of murder rates nationally
Anyone saying otherwise is just making things up, writes Magdi Semrau.
No, it’s not shocking that QAnon believers long for a military coup. For them, this is the End Times
There are millions of Americans for whom hate is their faith.
Most shooting massacres are domestic violence incidents occurring in the home and out of sight
Seventy-five percent of shooters buy guns legally, says Mia Brett.
What do the January 6 commission, covid deaths and gun massacres have in common? God’s chosen
Keep these people as far away from real power as possible.