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Who’s afraid of critical race theory? After reading this essay, hopefully you’ll see it isn’t scary at all
Mia Brett explains the current right-wing boogeyman.
Yale Law’s famed tiger mother is guilty of many things, but sexual harassment isn’t one of them
Claire Bond Potter cuts through the noise to reveal the world Title IX made.
If there’s a disease outbreak, there’s a conspiracy theory to explain it. Trump’s playing an old game
The basic logic never changes, writes Lindsay Beyerstein.
How the press corps severs public debate from the constraints of history, creating space for real harm
To illustrate, let me draw your attention to a local story.
At the heart of ‘the culture war’? Lies
Once you see the pattern, you see it everywhere.
No, the filibuster does not protect the Democratic Party. It creates the gridlock that weakens it
Magdi Semrau explains why the GOP loves a do-nothing Congress.
‘Giuliani tape’ is reminder the Republicans would conspire with foreign leaders to defeat Democrats
They’ll even make it sound patriotic.
When treason is profitable, it’s legitimate
The business PACs are back in business.
Debates over crime often omit domestic violence. Is that because most of the victims are women?
Mia Brett writes a brief legal history of intimate partner violence.
Saying he’ll be ‘reinstated’ is no more irrational than anything Donald Trump said over four years
In fact, it’s rational. It’s rationalizing evil.