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The Very Serious Debate Club
On Josh Barro and his ilk.
Color-consciousness, not colorblindness
Not seeing race is good, writes Rod Graham. But not seeing racism is bad.
The unsung co-author of the Declaration of Independence who did not own slaves
Spare a thought for New Haven’s Roger Sherman.
The authoritarian right of the United States has adopted the political discourse of monarchy
The French Revolution helps us understand why, writes Matt Gabriele.
The Republicans are hoping a white backlash will deliver victory in 2022. It’s not working so far
Maybe history isn’t on their side after all.
Bill Cosby spent more time in jail than 97 percent of rapists who never spend a day behind bars
Why is due process needed to believe woman? asks Mia Brett.
The will of the American people is becoming less important than the will of a Republican high court
In its latest ruling, SCOTUS internalizes Donald Trump’s Big Lie.
Why is it so hard to believe bats started covid?
Lindsay Beyerstein on Zeynep Tufekci’s contrarian nonsense.
Finally, the beast is dead
Erik Loomis writes Donald Rumsfeld’s obituary.
That the GOP distorts ‘wokeness’ isn’t surprising. What’s surprising is when legitimate critics do
Magdi Semrau explains three ways “anti-woke” critics get social reform wrong.