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The Democrats say ranked choice voting is fairer. What they don’t say is it helps beat Republicans
That’s why the GOP hates it, writes Matt Robison
The Democrats are naming the republic’s enemies while providing a future road to ‘stability and hope’
That’s real politics. Fictional politics is what the Republicans do.
There are no clear-cut answers to the problem of a president’s son making a living from his dad’s name
All Joe Biden can do is distance himself ethically, writes Lindsay Beyerstein.
For white evangelical Protestants, the degradation of democracy is not regrettable. It’s desirable
The point is rule by God’s chosen.
There’s room for conservative thought in higher education. There’s no room for higher education in conservative thought
Learning is a threat to the modern GOP, writes Magdi Semrau.
Facts about the covid vaccinations are totally political, because all facts are totally political
We need a new consensus.
No, white evangelicals are not in rapid decline
But keep an eye on white Catholics in 2022, writes Rev. Daniel Schultz.
The law corrects for past discrimination against Native children. But conservatives say it’s unconstitutionally based on race.
Mia Brett reminds us of the importance of the Indian Child Welfare Act.
We need more housing. We need more housing. We need more housing. We need more housing
We need more housing, writes Brandon Bradford.
Republican gothic
Up is down, left is right, wrong is right.