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The Harvey Weinstein of politics
The most damning account of sexual predation by a public official in living memory.
Is the era of NIMBYism giving way to a new era of YIMBYism? Data suggests big changes ahead
The old arguments no longer hold up, writes Christopher Jon Sprigman.
Toxic masculinity is killing us
Whether the obsession with guns or refusal of vaccines.
Here’s why a vaccine mandate would convince authoritarian holdouts to get the shot voluntarily
The key is understanding what they fear.
We conquered the moon, the genome and the microchip. We can’t get people vaccinated?
What’s killing us, literally, is a stunning lack of ideas.
Simone Biles just needed to rest
Sticks and stones break bones, but words hurt, too.
Everyone’s already subsidizing cars. How about we subsidize more and better public transit instead?
Let’s stop neglecting this no-brainer.
For all its sophistication, the Washington press corps exhibits a startling degree of naivete.
Lying isn’t a means to an agenda. For the GOP, it’s the agenda.
Everyone presumes a backlash is coming for the Democrats. The electorate has changed, though
Consider “law and order.”
For women shut out of the criminal system, civil litigation is a powerful tool for accountability
A criminal court is not the only place to support their voices.