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Matt Robison interviews the EB’s Lindsay Beyerstein about the rise and fall of Andrew Cuomo
What can we take away from his story?
Alex Wise interviews the EB’s Rod Graham about the need for choosing color-consciousness over color-blindness
What bridge-building across race might look like.
Dear congressional Democrats, please stop conceding to the press corps’ bullshit. Thanks
The facts are on the president’s side. Act like it.
In Afghanistan, occupation isn’t the only thing the US should end. It should end sanctions, too
The United Nations Human Rights Council calls on America and its global allies to stop “the punishment of innocent civilians.”
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Check out the website throughout the week for fresh hot takes.
We owe it to Afghans to let as many in as possible, but let’s avoid arguments over ‘desirable’ and ‘undesirable’ immigrants
People deserve refuge even if they didn’t help us.
America’s elites are inherently vulnerable to bad-faith arguments. So the pandemic is getting worse, not better
USA Today’s editor-in-chief claims to be answering “a higher calling.”
In this colossal game of infrastructure chicken, progressives must stand firm
Passing the core infrastructure bill without the accompanying human infrastructure bill will only exacerbate economic inequality.
Bad civic health, our planet’s future is hot, the ‘personal responsibility’ con, school board wars, plus John Stoehr’s week
The weekend edition of the Editorial Board.