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Will vaccine mandates spark right-wing violence? Maybe, if the authoritarians believe what they say. Most don’t, though
Violent rhetoric is a feature, not a bug.
Before the weekend’s over …
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Dems playing chicken, ‘desirable’ immigrants, Afghan sanctions, climate horsemen, anti-trans laws, plus John Stoehr’s week
The weekend edition of the Editorial Board!
There’s no such thing as law to police trans women that wouldn’t ultimately hurt all women
The Taliban’s oppression of women, and extreme hostility towards trans people, exemplifies how intertwined our liberation really is.
Will GOP voters go to war with corporations over new vaccine mandates? That would require personal sacrifice, though
They’ll obey, like good authoritarians.
It’s really bad, many will die, we have to ring the alarm but even after we do, it’s going to get worse before it gets better
Instead of a full-on freak out into despair, though, let’s break it down.
‘This is what freedom looks like in America today’
Freedom demands rejecting the GOP’s bad faith.
Matt Robison interviews the EB’s Lindsay Beyerstein about the rise and fall of Andrew Cuomo
What can we take away from his story?
Alex Wise interviews the EB’s Rod Graham about the need for choosing color-consciousness over color-blindness
What bridge-building across race might look like.