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The GOP’s authoritarian voters have given up hope of taking over democracy. A new political rhetoric can keep it that way
The rhetoric of shut-the-fuck-up, part 2.
To fight vaccine disinfo, first understand how anti-vaxxers coopt science to spread it
We should worry less about the ravings of anti-vaxxers obsessed with microchips, and more about the falsehoods that, enjoying a patina of scientific authority, are harder to identify and harder to correct.
Post-Trump America needs a new political vocabulary. Introducing the rhetoric of shut-the-fuck-up
Please forgive me my vulgarity.
Look to California to see that the GOP has given up on elections
Trump is out of power, but the legacy of Trumpism lives on.
We do not have a public health crisis. We have a crisis of law and order. No one is talking about it
Let’s not mince words about “freedoms.”
Ray Suarez: California’s recall vote does violence to the spirit of American election law
It creates cynicism about the people’s will, and how that will is assessed.
Let’s be honest. The same barbarous migrant policies that characterized Trump’s tenure are operating at full speed in Biden’s
Border policies should start with safeguarding human life.
Why should we trust GOP leaders and voters who reliably demonstrate their lawlessness?
They say they’ll quit en masse. They won’t. They say they won’t do what they’re told. They will. They will do what they’re told, then lie about it.
Sheep-drench grifters, the Texas overstep, white minority tipping point, enshrining abortion, plus John Stoehr’s week
The weekend edition of the Editorial Board!