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‘Law and order’ doesn’t mean keeping 10,000 Haitians out. It means letting them all in. It’s keeping them out that’s lawless
No, this isn’t about public health.
Let the Haitians in, all of them
The United States owes them that much.
The biggest media bias that no one is talking about is obscuring a violent Republican crime wave that no one is talking about
A bias toward freedom of choice, instead of responsibility.
Biden’s barbarous border, CA’s violence to democracy, ‘scientific’ disinfo, GOP’s fraud, family court myth, plus John Stoehr’s week
The weekend edition of the Editorial Board.
Weekend read: No, family courts are not biased against men
They favor men, actually.
To save American democracy, take all the fun out of lying
The power of treating Republicans like adults.
The GOP’s authoritarian voters have given up hope of taking over democracy. A new political rhetoric can keep it that way
The rhetoric of shut-the-fuck-up, part 2.
To fight vaccine disinfo, first understand how anti-vaxxers coopt science to spread it
We should worry less about the ravings of anti-vaxxers obsessed with microchips, and more about the falsehoods that, enjoying a patina of scientific authority, are harder to identify and harder to correct.
Post-Trump America needs a new political vocabulary. Introducing the rhetoric of shut-the-fuck-up
Please forgive me my vulgarity.