Search Results: a criminal former president

Rumors of Trump’s decline have been greatly exaggerated

By John Stoehr / January 3, 2023 /

We can’t yet know whether his “fortunes are fading.”

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The fetish of George Santos

By John Stoehr / December 30, 2022 /

He’s an empty vessel into which the Republicans pour their desires.

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The only way to preserve the rule of law is by preserving democracy

By John Stoehr / December 20, 2022 /

Most people have it backward.

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Sorry to break it to you, but there’s no justice

By John Stoehr / December 13, 2022 /

What will liberals do if Trump walks?

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Trump’s ‘heresy’ was giving away the Republican Party’s game

By John Stoehr / December 6, 2022 /

He said the Constitution should be terminated, putting the lie to the idea that the founding document stands above democratic politics.

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Another GOP ‘civil war’? We know how that story ends

By John Stoehr / November 30, 2022 /

We’ve already heard it.

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Why are there so many mass shootings? It’s an insurgency

By John Stoehr / November 23, 2022 /

Yet we won’t see it.

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The Democrats didn’t perform well in spite of inflation. They performed well because of it

By John Stoehr / November 16, 2022 /

Turn the conventional wisdom on its head.

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The GOP will take the House. Let’s get back to work

By John Stoehr / November 15, 2022 /

Enough high-fiving and fist-bumping. 

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From the midterms, the most important takeaway: the electorate has changed

By John Stoehr / November 14, 2022 /

It has shifted leftward its center of gravity.

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