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Admit it. Trump has dementia
The coverup is the tell.
The biggest story no one’s telling? Trump’s broken brain
He’s walking the line between coherence and incoherence.
At Arlington, it’s not a controversy. It’s a crime
Who are we going to believe, Trump or the United States Army?
If you want to end the Gaza war, don’t throw away your power
Your choices are not limited to those on Election Day.
Though out of the race, Kennedy will never run out of easy marks
There will always be Americans who don’t take democracy seriously.
Democrats are the freedom party
Walz’s speech was a dramatic portrayal of the recentering of America.
Biden is insulating Harris against Trump’s racist demagoguery
By convincing white working-class voters that she’s the real populist.
Trump is losing his audience
Gibberish is boring.
Trump’s trash-talk isn’t alienating swing voters. His gibberish is
Don’t give him too much credit.
New joy among Democrats comes from flexing their own power
But first came the end of the crazy-making.