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Why is the press ignoring the information gap pulling down Biden’s favorability despite the press having created it?
On Nate Cohn’s spurious analysis.
Tucker Carlson and Fox as ‘Fifth Column’ in the US, and other things you need to know about threats of war in Ukraine
“No invasion will be a minor incursion. It will cost lives and destroy communities. For Ukraine’s sake, I hope the west understands this.”
Dual sovereignty or double jeopardy?
A case with lasting implications for tribal authority.
Fake paperwork is just what federal investigators need to climb atop the conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election
In a group of nearly 60 people facing serious prison time, at least some of them will be willing to implicate the higher ups to save themselves.
The real Americans versus the ‘real Americans’
There can be only one right side.
Reality check: President Joe Biden’s year-one grade? A+
Any other answer is insane.
Fascist? Authoritarian? Sorta Russian? Whatever you call it, the Republicans don’t want legitimate authority, only power
People often confuse the terms power and authority.
Mistakes were made …
To err is me, sometimes.
Who investigates the investigators?
Did an FBI informant help stop a conspiracy to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer? Or did he help it along?
A world without Roe is, for women, a world of social standing cut in half
“It always seems over-the-top to say women will be second-class citizens, but that will absolutely be the case.”