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The truth won’t speak for itself
The Democrats can’t trust the press and pundit corps to explain to the American people that democracy as they know it is under assault.
What is ‘the good life’ in the United States and what can we do as a republic to make it real?
Reviving a “philosophical tendency.”
To US oligarchs, majority views on taxing the rich count for little
If we fail to restrain the corruption of moneyed elites, the United States may go further down a path that’s difficult to retrace.
Gratitude amid grief
A programming note …
Trump committed crimes when he took ‘top secret’ files. If prosecution is ‘politicizing the law,’ then he’s above it
If any other government employee were caught with a trove of classified documents, they would face criminal investigation.
America has surrendered to Fox
It doesn’t have to be this way.
Amir Locke deserved the dignity of a knock
To the police, however, his dignity was their disadvantage.
Though for now boxed out of the Supreme Court’s majority, liberal justices can still influence legal arguments with dissent
The effect of the first Black female nominee.
The pandemic, not public spending, is driving inflation
Supply chain issues are global. So are rising prices.