Search Results: respectable white people

The Inflation Reduction Act is what a democracy can achieve when fascists are prevented from stabbing it in the back

By John Stoehr / August 17, 2022 /

Thank Mitch McConnell for proof of concept.

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Forget civil war. Think ongoing yearslong insurgency

By John Stoehr / August 10, 2022 /

The Republicans’ “decidedly insurrectionist interpretation” of everything from the Second Amendment to their theory of government.

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The Republican Party’s anti-tax rhetoric is pro-sedition

By John Stoehr / August 5, 2022 /

Gingrich introduced it. Trump perfected it. Cruz repeats it.

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Are Republicans heirs of Lenin?

By John Stoehr / November 29, 2021 /

Not quite, but the comparison is instructive.

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Anti-tax is anti-democracy

By John Stoehr / October 28, 2021 /

Joe Manchin has one foot in two worlds.

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His life made the world worse

By Erik Loomis / October 18, 2021 /

Colin Powell, 1937-2021.

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The World Anti-Doping Agency veered from its lane into the racist history of cannabis prohibition

By Lindsay Beyerstein / July 7, 2021 /

What the hell was the watchdog thinking? asks Lindsay Beyerstein.

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That the GOP distorts ‘wokeness’ isn’t surprising. What’s surprising is when legitimate critics do

By Magdi Semrau / June 30, 2021 /

Magdi Semrau explains three ways “anti-woke” critics get social reform wrong.

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The Republicans Party’s unrelenting onslaught of bullshit is forcing Republicans to leave the party

By John Stoehr / May 25, 2021 /

Indifference to truth in pursuit of power, writes Lindsay Beyerstein.

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Why would the Republicans punish Marjorie Taylor Greene? She’s doing what she’s supposed to do

By John Stoehr / January 29, 2021 /

Sadism, it bears repeating, is the point.

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